March 04, 2007

Losing A Day

The removal of the wisdom teeth went very well, I was pretty impressed with my doctor's skill. I did go under for the proceedure, which was an excellent touch, the last think I remember her saying was 'keep your eyes open for as long as possible' and I put my head down and, poof, gone. I apparently was coherent enough to leave the office at some point and go home and get in bed, but I don't remember any of this. I woke up in my own bed at around 5:30pm and wasn't completely disorientated as I have some memories of the day (stumbling down the hall after the surgery and 'talking' with my mom at some point).

I did have a perscription for vicodin, but I never had to take it because it didn't hurt enough. I am taking three advil every six hours, but that is enough to keep the pain in check.

So outside of sleeping a lot and having a slight headachy feeling (because of the teeth), it was a pretty decent weekend. I did watch Stranger Than Fiction, which was a little underwhelming and slow moving in the middle. I am looking for more acne treatments online, because I still haven't found the magic bullet. Seriously, I'm 27, I should not have such a problem with acne, I didn't have such a big issue when I was 16!

That's all I got peeps!

Posted by 10lees at March 4, 2007 07:28 PM

When you find that magic bullet, let me know! I'm to the point where I go into the Dr's, and never expect anything they try to actually work.

Posted by: betsy at March 5, 2007 07:37 AM

Glad to hear it went well for ya. :-)

Christy and I watched Stranger than fiction last night. It was ok.. i guess... I still haven't figured out if I liked it or not. We're going to watch The Departed tonight, so that should be better.

Love ya


Posted by: Roland at March 5, 2007 09:58 AM

woo-hoo, you survived!! :o)

Posted by: dr gonzo at March 6, 2007 09:18 AM

I have the magic bullet!! It's what I've done - when's the last time you saw me with a pimple? Yeah - that's right - me too. I don't eat sugar - well not much and no candy - sugarless tastes JUST AS GOOD. And when I gave up chocolate - POOF - no more pimps. Very amazing I think. When I was still struggling with pimples and my face breaking out - it's cause I was still eating chocolate. And usually the lovely sugar with it. ;)

Now I know that you'll discount this cause it's from your mom. But diet really does matter.

But that's probably just me. ;)

Stranger than Fiction - I've already lived that story - so there you go!

R the Departed - is that about people that went to Heaven??? Otherwise it sounds scawy! ;)


Posted by: Bevy at March 6, 2007 01:22 PM

T giving up sugar I think she might die. I hear that really does make a difference not just from my mom who will tell you the same thing that your mom did, but a girl I work with had to give up sugar and pop because the caffine is apparently bad too. Who knew. You could always try to drink some damn water but I'm pretty sure after like five years of telling you that your still not going to listen.

Posted by: little b at March 7, 2007 08:44 AM

Little B - she does TRY to drink water ... sometimes ... :)

I drink about 32 oz a day (filtered from tap) - but that's cause I NEED IT - not cause it's fashionable. I also have quit buying bottled water - well - except when I'm on a trip - now that's a saving of about $5 a week and when you're trying to budget - it weally helps. We'll keep preaching to T and she'll just do whatever she wants - she can now cause she's an adult. ;)

Love you T and hope your day at work is good,

Posted by: bevy at March 7, 2007 10:24 AM

I do drink more water these days, more Propel actually, which is better than water.

How was the Departed? I have heard good things...

I will be sure to post a review on my different acne attempts soon.

Posted by: 10lees at March 8, 2007 07:28 PM
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