October 22, 2006

Messaging Instantly

So after moving into a house that has constant and fast internet (I love Comcast), I have occasionally been hanging around online looking for things to do. I have created profiles on myspace, facebook, and hung around on AIM, but there just doesn't seem to be many of my friends online (a few, just not all). Now either this is because I wasn't online very often in the past two years and everybody has changed their names, or changed their messanger service. So clue me in, if you've changed your name, if you have changed your service, or if you just don't chat online anymore.

Posted by 10lees at October 22, 2006 09:24 PM

Several people have switched to XMPP, primarily by means of gtalk. It's a really nice system (because you're not tied to a service any more than you're tied to an email address), but most people just use it because it's in their gmail interface. Anyways, you probably have the addresses of some people, so if you have an account you can just add them. If you need one you don't even need a gmail account, just a google account (and can signup here).

Posted by: Jeremy at October 22, 2006 09:39 PM

I do have a gmail account, I should think about using that. I heard that it is a pretty cool system.

Posted by: 10lees at October 22, 2006 10:02 PM

GTalk is pretty nice, although I guess all I ever really use it on is Adium or Gaim.

Posted by: bleaus at October 23, 2006 06:03 AM

I still use AIM exclusively. It is pretty much since my phone has an AIM client.

Posted by: jeff at October 23, 2006 06:26 AM

yeah, i have usernames for aol, yahoo & gmail, so i use gaim at work and adium at home.

Posted by: dr gonzo at October 23, 2006 09:31 AM

When I use (which I tend not to), I prefer AIM since I just use iChat and never bothered to set it up for anything other than AIM and MSN.

My username is still the same from when I was at Bethel.

Posted by: babada at October 23, 2006 10:29 AM

i use gmail chat - it's all i can use at work. we should be chat-friendly friends! :)

Posted by: brooke at October 23, 2006 03:34 PM

I'm signed on to MSN at work because my family and my spouse are on it, but not really anyone else is. When I'm very very bored, I may sign in to AIM, but then I risk random friends from high school (actually, worse, STEVE'S random friends from high school who sort of knew me but not really and really are only IMing me to find out about how he's doing) IMing me and annoying me, so I stay off it for the most part. If you do end up taking up some IM service that allows you to, feel free to add my hotmail/MSN account to your list, I'm lolaluta.

Posted by: Laura at October 24, 2006 07:06 AM

So what I am hearing is that I need to update my chat service and go with something more universal (a la google chat) other than AIM, maybe even an MSN or a Yahoo. I could be on three systems at once!!

Posted by: 10lees at October 24, 2006 07:57 AM

Laura, you can always block people. Then you can be signed on all the time if you like and only talk to the people that respect your chat boundries.

10, I don't think you'll find something more universal than AIM. It seems to be the oldest and most widely used of the mainstream chat protocols. You could (as you said) get something that handles all the protocols at once.

Posted by: jeff at October 24, 2006 09:19 AM

so what is a good program that handles all chat protocols at once? And do you have to log on 20 times to get all your chat profiles up?

Posted by: 10lees at October 24, 2006 10:38 AM

Since my recent (one week) Internet acquisition, I am currently using AIM and MSN. Also, gmail has the chat built right into your gmail, so you can check out people already in your inbox, but I have to block some people who I don't recognize anymore. Send me your screen name.

Posted by: Lo at October 25, 2006 05:59 AM

GAIM for a pc, Adium for mac lets you use all of your accounts at once and everyone shows up on one list only, creating less confusion.



Posted by: dr gonzo at October 25, 2006 08:02 AM

Hey T,
I'm still on msn - you NEVER chat with me online anymore .... oh yeah - i remember why!!!

Yeah - it starts with an "M" :)


Posted by: Bevy at October 26, 2006 06:36 PM
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