April 13, 2008

Back From Vacation!

We had a fun week last week and got in a little vacation time. For some reason it seems less like vacation when you are reminding children to 'stop it' or 'be nice', not that it wasn't fun. It just wasn't as relaxing.

One exciting thing is that I get to go down and see my brother and sister in law on the 18th of April. I am excited to see everybody again! My brother is graduating from Police academy and then (hopefully?) we will also celebrate Marcus's second birthday. He actually turned 2 on Friday, time goes by so quickly!

Yesterday was beautiful, but instead of tending garden outside I was cleaning inside (it needed it). I figured today would be just as beautiful and I would get a chance to work outside, but I was mistaken! It wasn't, it was much more cold and cloudy. Bummer... so I stayed inside most of the day and haven't done much... ahhhh...

Tomorrow it is back to work and I am not looking forward to going through my 185 emails (yes, I peaked on Friday, hopefully most of them I was just cc-ed on for my records). Picking up some used coffee grounds is also on my list of 'to dos', I tried to get some today but didn't pick the right coffee store. Once I get them I will trim my Camillia and hope it looks a little more perky. Right now the leaves are turning brown and even the edges of the flowers turn brown, poor thing. I will try and take a before and after picture - so that those who are interested will get a good look!

Oh, and I thought I'd share with my mom that the rhodies are dying because Scott ringed them. Which is pretty fine with me since I'm not a big fan... but now we have to take them out!

Posted by 10lees at April 13, 2008 05:50 PM

Hey - I don't know what "ringing" is - did he trottle them? :) or put something in the ground to hinder their growth.
I would suggest a little water and esp. some ironite or camillia fertilizer - and don't scratch it into the ground at the camillia has surface roots and you can damage them that way. :) They're not like roses in that respect.
Yeh - yesterday was GREAT! I even cut the lawn a tad and cleaned up some piles in the yard.
Mom's feeling alittle better today and is walking a little better. I have a friend at church that's willing to spend the nite and watch her - but maybe she'll be alittle back to her old self in a few days. Love Mom!

Posted by: bevy at April 13, 2008 07:41 PM

I meant that Scott cut the bark all the way around along the bottom of the plant. I am not sure what the right word is for that...

I am glad g'ma is feeling better! It's always good to be back up and around.

Posted by: 10lees at April 13, 2008 09:12 PM

welcome back welcome back!!

Posted by: at April 14, 2008 08:10 AM

So where did you end up going? Glad you had a good time! Enjoy your visit down to CA! Tell your brother congrats!

Posted by: Jessica at April 14, 2008 09:38 AM

Well I'm sure that the Rody didn't like that at all. So when is he going to rip them out of the ground for you? ;) We'll have to go get you a wisteria OR I'll dig one out of my yard - but it's getting a tad late for doing that. :) Love, Mom! Mom's doing better today too - from yesterday!

Posted by: bevy at April 14, 2008 11:18 AM
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