December 06, 2007

The Secret Show

Having step-kids has it's benefits - and occasionally it shows up in hilarious british cartoons. The Secret Show is this wonderful show with Victor Volt and Anita Knight attempting to save the world working at UZZ, the evil organization is called THEM (properly enough).

It's on Nicktoons network, if you get it you should tune in (you know if you aren't being a contributing member to society in other ways). It starts out as the 'fluffy, fluffy bunny' show - but don't be alarmed, it is The Secret Show.

Posted by 10lees at December 6, 2007 08:36 PM

Someone who designed that website made an error when they tried to translate British English to American English. It says the show runs "at 16.00" on the British version, but "from 12:00 on weekdays" and "from 10:00 on Saturdays. My assumption is that the reason for the switch from "at" to "from" was because they thought that's how we said it. But we don't. Not unless a beginning and end time are involved.
I really need to leave my profession. It's affecting my blog posts.

Posted by: Laura M at December 8, 2007 06:26 AM
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