November 06, 2006

When It Rains, It Pours

Poor Scott, today was his birthday and it wasn't a very good one. First his car overheats and we have to drop it off at Toyota and expect to pay lots of money to have it fixed. Update on that: we got a water pump replaced for about $400 and some other stuff done which raised the total amount up considerably.

So Scott had to wake up early this morning and drive me to the train station, which he enjoyed immensly, and then come back home and drive to work. As he was driving my lovely vehicle to work, he was turning left (as people do) and the truck behind him accidentally hit the gas instead of the brake (the driver was reaching for his coat in the backseat). Needless to say, the back of my car looks a little worse for the wear and will take at least $3600 to repair. Scott was late to work and still managed to get an estimate during his lunch hour, ain't he a great hubby?

And after coming up to pick my up after my extended day at work he noticed his car was still overheating. So we had to drop it off at Toyota again, and pray it's just something small this time.

Posted by 10lees at November 6, 2006 09:34 PM

If it is still overheating does it make you wonder whether or not the water pump was really bad? It makes me wonder. Unfortunately in those situations, there isn't really a way to prove it without the old part.

Posted by: jeff at November 7, 2006 05:06 AM

Are you all OK??? Scarey that you got hit!!

I hope everything gets fixed up nicely.

Posted by: Lo at November 7, 2006 07:02 AM

oh. my. gosh.

i am totally rooting for you guys. and your toyotas. good luck!

Posted by: dr gonzo at November 7, 2006 07:48 AM

Jeff - yes Scott is super pissed about this possiblity. He usually likes to see the replaced bits when he gets his car fixed to make sure it is a needed repair. He kinda feels like he got taken - BUT the car was overheating while driving before and now it just overheates while idleing.

At least I wasn't in the car! Just poor Scott and he is feeling fine. He didn't even tell me the whole day cause he didn't want me to worry about it while I was at work. I will try and post pictures tonight.

Posted by: 10lees at November 7, 2006 08:26 AM

Update: it's a head gasket. Say it with me people: ouch!

Posted by: 10lees at November 8, 2006 09:09 AM

Ugh, I was hoping it wasn't like that. I was thinking it sounded a lot like that or a cracked head (especially after it was only when idling), and neither is good so didn't want to mention them. Of the two the gasket is definitely the better one to need fixing though.

Posted by: Jeremy at November 8, 2006 11:49 AM

Oh, you should've been able to see coolant in the oil or oil in the coolant then.

This is more of a "the more you know" kind of comment for your readers so that they can be better equipped in case they are ever in the same situation.

Posted by: jeff at November 8, 2006 01:15 PM
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