October 24, 2005


I had a wonderful dream this weekend, though also a slightly pathetic dream, I do wish it would happen...

I dreamed the Firefly was picked up by SciFi as a series again. Image my pain and suffering when upon waking I realized it just wasn't so. Sad, definetly. Pathetic, perhaps. Just a dream?, I hope not!

Of course my consulation is that if they picked up the series they would probably screw it up again anyway. It only took in 22 million to date at the box office, which is dissapointing to all of us fans.

We could just dream of a sequel... or perhaps finance a sequel and there's nothing wrong with that! It has a great rating on Rotten Tomatoes, so if you haven't seen it you should before it's out of theaters. Although I bet it will do very well in DVD sales... if the world is at all fair.

Posted by 10lees at October 24, 2005 01:09 PM