April 17, 2005

Movie Review: Millions

Seldom are there children's movies that can touch the heart of adults in a meaningful way. (A good unmeaningful example: the dog always dies, so don't cry.... hold on I just need a moment to compose myself....) Sniff, most children's movies fall into the trap of introducing someone just to kill them. Like Bambi's mother, we all know she wasn't vital to the plot.

Millions is different. It involves the change from the pound to the euro in England (something that, by the way, has not occured). It is a conveluted story, in the same way that life is conveluted. It is hard to describe and even though I saw it a full week ago I have not come up with better words to describe the story or it's impact. I don't want anybody to go in thinking it is going to be great, but it is an interesting story. I have never seen another like it and that has been what intrigued me more than anything else.

Whether you rent it on video or watch it in the theater's I would reccommend that everybody see this movie. But be warned: it is wholesome and doesn't contain much violence or sex... and it does contain Mormons.

Posted by 10lees at April 17, 2005 03:41 PM