I have a complaint to lodge, why do guys check a girl out when they are CLEARLY (or not so clearly) with someone else? Yesterday I was shopping at Old Navy, great store and you should all shop there so Bran's stock prices go up, and trying on this tan tweed blazer when this guy started checking me out. He walked from the men's department towards the front of the store and into the women's department all while 'checking me out'. So I'm like, hey - he's cute, maybe he'll talk to me... so me being me and entirely bad at flirting... I walk towards where he is located in the women's department. At this point he was behind me one aisle and facing towards me (not towards the merchandise) with no woman in site. I walk towards him make eye contact and smile, he smiles back... but no 'hi'. So I just keep walking, decide to buy the tweed blazer and go to checkout. Still not too late to get hit on... but alas I see him leaving WITH A GIRL! Ok, so there was no outward sign of affection, i.e. hand holding, hugging, etc. But still, what is with guys that they will check out other girls while with a girlfriend? Next time I'm going to send these guys to beat him up... especially the bald one in the middle...
Now I'm just glad I didn't hit on him.
Started the new job and I am enjoying a relaxing 70 degree weekend off. It's nice here... bet you'd all wish you were here, except for that pesky volcano...
Posted by 10lees at October 3, 2004 02:23 PM