Ok seriously people, I know the CBS news did this story about how GW Bush had trouble with his superior officer in the Texas National Guard and now there is some fallout. Apparently the document, a memo, which was used to 'prove' his superior's feelings was forged. CBS now admits that the memo is a forgery but that it expresses true feelings. The person in question is dead, so no chance of asking him... anyway, that's not what this post is about...
MEMO-GATE? Since when did a forged memo rank up there with WATERGATE? Oh my gosh, seriously... even if it was faked, was anybody surprised? Was any American like 'Oh my gosh, my belief system is shatter (sob), Bush didn't serve honorably in the National Guard... how can I go on?'
So that's my rant for the evening, if you are voting for Bush because of his Army National Guard duty.... um, don't. Not a good plan. There was a great quiz on MSN today that could identify what candidate you were more closely associated with in beliefs. I was 57% for one and 58% for the other; I'm not going to say who won, but if they were both rational people, like myself, they wouldn't only each have half the ideas that matter to me. Here is the link if you want to try it for yourself. Perhaps one of them matches all your views, and I'm sure you are a completely rational being too...
Posted by 10lees at September 15, 2004 11:47 PM