July 28, 2004

Apparently I Don't Look 24

What is the deal with people thinking I don't look 24? Do I look 17? See this is why I will never be asked out on a date by any male my age who goes to Evil Coffee Corp, they all will think I am 12... only three work days left and I win the bet Chadly!!!

I guess I am just wondering what, what makes me look so much younger than I am? Lack of wrinkles? How white I am? How many zits I have? (which isn't much right now, thank you very much) The way I act? Do I have 'young' mannerisms?

My theory is the pimples, but some people say they don't notice them... I think they are lying - but that's my opinion. Maybe it's just that I'm funny, but hey - looks are everything.

Today was my first day back after three days off. I screwed up a bit, my store manager said 'note to self: don't give 10lees three days off in a row'... you just have to laugh off all the mistakes and assume you'll learn it all eventually. The shift who came in after me was annoyed that I didn't leave on time, but she came on at 2pm, I leave at 2pm and we have to do like 10 minutes of stuff together before I leave. It is pretty impossible to condense that into one minute, but next time I'll try.

Posted by 10lees at July 28, 2004 03:49 PM