June 30, 2004

Brainwashing Effective

One of my more embarassing moments as a person happened today... and after I swore I would never let it. I took the 'Evil Coffee Corp Experience Class' which doesn't teach you much, but really indoctrinates you into the culture:
Evil Coffee Corp Good!
Evil Coffee Corp Good!
Whoops sorry that's just my brainwashing misfiring...

Anyway most of the other employees at the class were high school or college age, please Lord deliver me from high schoolers, which is the norm for any coffee corp really. I figured I was the exception in the class, and there were two others who looked like they might be exceptions too. I ended up asking one of the girls seated next to me if she was in high school or college... yeah she's 28... so really one would hope neither. I'm pretty sure she wanted to hit me and I felt embarrassed because I get that all the time too (though I kinda like it... unless it's from a cute guy). My one consulation is that I will probably never see her again, theoretically, since she doesn't work with me.

It was fun, though I hate how high schoolers won't participate in classes - drives me nutso, and I drank lots of coffee to become pleasantly hyper. I was the only person being hired directly to Shift Supervisor... which made me feel a little special.

In other news you should check out my nightmares blog for the comments to end all comments... you guys are awesome!

Also J.K. Rowling released the title for the next Harry Potter book...(drumroll please)... it is to be Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Prince of what one might wonder. The whole article, which doesn't say much more than I just said, is found here.

Posted by 10lees at June 30, 2004 11:42 AM