June 11, 2004

Quiz Time v 1.0

Maybe this will be like "Hammer Time", only better and longer lasting... say maybe the next 15 years? Do we have a date?

So yesterday we got rid of Jag, poor little kitty, he went back to live with his real family. It was Glenn's actual birthday yesterday too, even though we celebrated it last weekend. We didn't do anything special, actually Glenn had to work a double shift because somebody called in sick... but we got him a special present and I named him Quizzism (yes it's a real word) or Quiz, as in pop quiz, quizzary, or quizzie-poo (though I can't remember which prof at Bethel called them quizzie-poos). Isn't he cute? He's only one and a quarter pounds, so tiny, and so cute!!! Ok, I'll try and stop calling him cute...

He's not really my cat, instead he is the family's cat. We'll decide whether he goes with me or not after I get my own apartment. The only problem with cats is that they can't go with you everywhere, well they can't without you looking wierd anyway... of course, what do I care about looking wierd?? (Ha I beat you all to it).

Hopefully I will get a better picture soon...

UPDATE: Here and here are the two new pics... yeah I learned how to use the flash... don't you like how his little paw pads are black?

Posted by 10lees at June 11, 2004 02:29 PM