April 27, 2004

Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning

Last night there was plenty of cleaning going on in my house. I used the new Dawn Power Dissolve stuff and, at the risk of sounding like a housewife, it is just amazing!! You spray it on and let it sit for 10-15 minutes and then all the grease just wipes off. I cleaned the top of the oven last night. Although I didn't clean where the plugs went in because it was electric and I don't want to die that way.

I'm about half packed. All I am wondering now is how we are going to pack everything up and move it. I think I might have to ship some of my boxes of books across instead of putting them in the car.

My mom is going to be here today and that is always exciting! She's bringing the dog with her, which I commonly refer to as 'my dog' though it is not. Her name is Tisha, and yes, that has been the name of two other dogs in our house. My mom actually wanted to name a daughter Tisha (since it is a person's name in the book titled Tisha). So I should just be glad my name isn't that, I feel I would be a much nicer person if my name was Tisha... but maybe that's just me.

I need to stop using the word just... what does it mean anyway? Whenever I ask that you can bet I just looked it up, bwhahahaa... ok but just means a lot of things and i'm not expanding my blog to fit it here. Look it up yourself.

Posted by 10lees at April 27, 2004 08:58 AM